A ‘cowardly’ abuser whose sexual assaults condemned his Helston victim to a life of mental torment has been told that he is likely to die in prison.

Gordon Suckley molested his victim repeatedly when he was aged 11 to 16, causing him severe psychological damage.

The boy only found the courage to go to the police almost 50 years later when he was an adult in his 50s and was still in touch with his abuser.

He used Facebook messages to remind Suckley of what he had done to him in the 1970s and received partial admissions in reply, which encouraged him to go to the police.

Suckley, aged 87, and now of Kings Court, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot, admitted seven counts of indecent assault dating between 1976 and 1981 and was jailed for seven years and six months by Judge David Evans at Exeter Crown Court.

The judge told him that his crimes would now be classified as rape and that his refusal to plead guilty until the day before his trial had been ‘cowardly’.

He told him: ‘It is abundantly clear to me that your offences caused the victim not just severe but extreme life-long psychological harm.

‘You poisoned the environment which should have been a sanctuary for a child.

‘I recognise the possibility that you may not survive your sentence.

‘Although you eventually admitted abusing the victim in Facebook messages after he challenged you repeatedly, you initially pleaded not guilty.

‘It is difficult to conclude you are genuinely remorseful. Your behaviour is best characterised as cowardly.’

Mr Rowan Jenkins, prosecuting, said the offences started when the boy was 11 and Suckley was in his 40s and both were living in Helston.

Suckley exerted such a psychological grip over the boy that he continued to abuse him even after he grew up and went to university.

Mr Ramsay Quaife, defending, said Suckley had lived a blameless life before and since and now appreciates the damage he has done.

He said: ‘He is 87 and in poor health. The blunt truth is that his age and his health will enable him to complete the sentence which you are about to pass.’

Victim tells of relief after abuser jailed

The victim spoke of his relief after attending the sentencing hearing in a statement relreleased throughe investigating officer. 

He said: ‘I am grateful to Devon & Cornwall Police for the opportunity to share my feelings. 

‘The man sentenced today repeatedly subjected me to terrible abuse when I was a child. The physical, mental, and sexual abuse was itself very traumatic, but I also suffered overwhelming feelings of self-blame, shame, guilt, fear, loneliness, and secrecy.

‘I have struggled ever since with mental illness, tormented thoughts, and feelings; so many unanswered questions and so much pain that I haven’t yet been able to face.

‘But today is an important step in my journey of self-repair. Two years ago, supported by my family and friends, I found the courage to phone the police and say I’d been abused. 

‘Throughout their investigation, the detectives’ compassion and professionalism enabled me to share my story with them.

‘I found my voice. My voice was heard, and the truth is now known. Justice has prevailed. It is never ok for anyone to abuse any child. No-one has the right to steal a child’s rights.’

Courage and strength of victim praised

Detective Sergeant Ed Bird, from Public Protection Unit in South Devon, said: ‘We would like to commend the incredible courage and strength of the victim who was subjected to prolonged and repeated sexual abuse for many years, which was subsequently followed by decades of trauma and torment. 

‘The conviction and sentence are welcomed by the police and will offer some comfort to the victim who has finally obtained justice.

‘We hope this sentence will also provide reassurance to other victims of sexual offending to help give them the confidence to report to us.

‘No matter who is involved or when it happened, we will do whatever is in our power to bring offenders to justice, protect and support survivors, and enable the truth to be uncovered about these terrible crimes even if decades lie between the offences taking place and justice prevailing.’


Anyone who may have been affected by anything raised in this article can contact police in their local area by emailing [email protected] or phoning 101.

The freephone NSPCC helpline 0808 800 5000 is available for anyone to report or seek advice about non-recent abuse. Calls can be made anonymously.