Residents and visitors are being urged to help keep Cornwall clean this Easter.

As families enjoy trips out during the school holidays and thousands of visitors head to the Duchy for an Easter break, Cornwall Council is reminding everyone to put their litter in the bin and clean up after their dogs.

Ahead of the bank holiday weekend, the Council is asking people not to throw litter out of cars and make sure they take all rubbish home with them or put it in the bin when exploring the county’s beautiful beaches and countryside.

Councillor Martyn Alvey, portfolio holder for environment and climate change at Cornwall Council, said: “Cornwall is such a beautiful part of the world and we want to keep it that way.

“Not only is litter unsightly, it can be dangerous for pets and wildlife especially if it ends up in rivers or the sea.

“I hope that everyone enjoys the Easter break but please either put your rubbish in the bin or take it home with you.”

It is against the law to drop litter or to allow your dog to foul in a public place.

Anyone who drops litter in a public space could face a £150 fixed penalty notice and dog owners who fail to pick up their pet’s mess could face a £100 fixed penalty notice, or fined up to £1,000 in court.

Councillor Alvey added: “When it comes to littering and dog fouling, we will not hesitate to issue fixed penalty notices to those who do not take responsibility for themselves and their pets.”