RESIDENTS are being invited to have their say on plans to close two railway crossings in Newquay to vehicles.

Cornwall Council and Network Rail are proposing to restrict crossings at Trencreek and Chapel when the Newquay Strategic Route opens next spring, which could be as early as February.

The plan will also prevent vehicles from being able to use Trencreek as a ‘rat run’ following concerns the residential area is blighted by traffic.

The Newquay Strategic Route, which will ease congestion and provide better transport links for communities living to the east of Newquay, features a bridge at Nansledan to provide a safe route for vehicles across the Newquay to Par branch line.

The rail crossings at Trencreek and Chapel will both close to vehicles when the Newquay Strategic Route, but walkers, cyclists and horse riders will continue to be able to cross the railway line after the new restrictions are in place.

Signalised crossings will show users when it is safe to cross and to alert them when trains are approaching. 

Connor Donnithorne, Cornwall Council cabinet portfolio holder for transport, said: “The Newquay Strategic Route means we can provide a safer route across the railway line for motorists ahead of completion on the Mid Cornwall Metro which will see an increase in the number of trains travelling along the branch line. 

“However, we want to understand any potential issues residents may have as a result of these proposals and how we can best address them.” 

Alexander Maltby, from Network Rail, said: "Safety is a priority for Network Rail and more trains means more care is needed around the railway. 

“We have built a bridge over the railway to provide clear, safe access for the Newquay Strategic Route.” 

Peyman Mokarram, the design lead at Cormac Solutions Ltd, said: “The consultation covers Trencreek and Chapel, level crossing turning areas and parking restrictions. 

“Cormac on behalf of Cornwall Council is inviting comments on a proposal to install new no waiting at any times and a prohibition of motor vehicles" across the level crossings at Trencreek and Chapel, Newquay.

“The proposals include new no waiting at any time restrictions, double yellow lines, on Trencreek Road, Carpmael Avenue and Crossing Mews to create an area for vehicles to turn around whilst travelling on Trencreek Road. 

“Proposals also include installation of new no waiting at any time restrictions, double yellow lines, on Chapel Road Farm/Field Entrance, south side of the level crossing to create an area for vehicles to turn around whilst travelling on Chapel Road.

“This scheme is in support of the proposals to close the Railway crossings at Trencreek and Chapel to facilitate improvements to the Newquay Railway line.

“The prohibition of motor vehicle restrictions across the level crossings will not be imposed until after the Newquay Strategic Route is open. The Newquay Strategic Route is currently programmed to open spring 2025.

”The objective of the proposals at Trencreek are to provide the required turning areas for delivery and refuse vehicles accessing properties along Trencreek Road. By implementing parking restrictions along the entrance to Carpmael Avenue and Crossing Mews vehicles can use these side roads turn around and exit Trencreek Road without crossing the railway line.

“The objective of the proposals at Chapel are to provide the required turning areas for delivery and refuse vehicles accessing properties along Chapel Road.

“By implementing parking restrictions within the proposed new turning head at the Farm/Field Entrance on the South side of the level crossing it will allow cars to turn around and exit Chapel Road without crossing the railway line.”

Cornwall Council is also carrying out informal consultation following an application from Network Rail to divert a public footpath across the railway line to the west of Trencreek.

Under the proposals, a section of public footpath across the railway would be closed and rerouted to run parallel with the railway line to connect with the railway crossing just over 100 metres west at Trencreek. 

A spokesperson for Cornwall Council said: “Landowners and developers may propose changes to rights of way over their land.

“The Public Rights of Way Team consults on these proposals. Consultation responses help the council to assess proposals against tests in the legislation.  Normally, only landowners, residents, user groups and statutory undertakers are consulted.

“But where there could be a wider interest in a proposal, we make the consultation available on our website.

“The council then determines whether to make an order.

“Diversion of part of Public Footpath 63 and an unrecorded public footpath in Newquay at Trencreek.

“Please note that these are informal consultations only. Responses will be used to gauge the likely public response if the council were to make an order. “

The consultation runs until Friday, October 4. To make a comment visit: