Cornish developer Treveth has promised to lead the way in regenerating a key area of Penzance as plans for its latest project at Coinagehall Street take shape.  

They are inviting the community to a drop-in session find out more about Treveth, the project and how it will benefit Penzance on Monday, March 6, 1pm-7pm, at the cafe at Jubilee Pool. 

Since its launch in 2019, Treveth has been building new build homes, sustainable communities, and commercial developments in partnership with Cornwall Council to benefit people who live and work in Cornwall. 

The Coinagehall Street project will see them provide new homes for local people, including both affordable and open market rentals.  

The project will also include the regeneration of St Anthony’s Gardens, retaining key historical features whilst providing a better public realm and useable open space which will be enjoyed by local people and visitors alike.   

A programme of work and designs for the scheme are currently in development with plans remaining consistent with the neighbourhood development plan and the town’s aspirations for the regeneration of the site. Treveth is aiming to make a planning submission by mid-2023.   

Coinagehall Street, funded by Treveth, will be a mixed-use scheme with both residential and commercial properties incorporated in the architectural plans. 

The site will incorporate the regeneration of St Anthony’s Gardens, funded by government’s Future High Streets Fund, and will link the area with the Jubilee Pool and the wider Penzance Promenade.  

Treveth say they will engage closely with key stakeholders, members, and the general public over the coming months prior to submitting the planning application.  

Emma Rodgers, senior development manager at Treveth, said: “We’re looking forward to submitting our planning application for the Coinagehall Street site in 2023. The site has real potential and by enhancing and improving the community spaces, as well as providing new homes for local people, we hope to encourage more visitors to the area which will boost the local economy whilst maintaining the area for local residents. 

“We have also received Future High Street Funding to help mobilise the delivery of the much-needed regeneration of the wider public realm area which will support our vision. We are aware there has been some concern over whether the residential properties will attract second homeowners, however Treveth’s focus is to prioritise local people who live, work or have family connections in the immediate vicinity of our sites, discouraging second home ownership.  

“We look forward to engaging with key stakeholders and the general public in the coming weeks and we will announce dates for the public consultation event about the planning application where local residents can receive more information and have a say in the regeneration of the area.”   

Cllr Jonathan How, Mayor of Penzance, added: “This site along with St Anthony’s Gardens was long ago identified as a key area for improvement within the town. 

“Development of Penzance’s historic headland area will enhance the public realm and build on the existing investments in Jubilee Pool and the Promenade, bringing wider benefits for both residents and visitors alike.” 

Cllr Tim Dwelly, Cornwall councillor for Penzance East, said: “I welcome Treveth’s commitment to include affordable housing on the site and to ensure there are no second homes. Reserving market rented homes for local people will also make a big difference, given how hard it is to find places to rent in Penzance now.  We all want the design of the new development to be a beautiful addition to the whole Jubilee Pool quarter. 

“As councillors, we are particularly keen to see a high-quality employment space included as part of the mix. I hope we will also see the Gardens area massively improved as an events space with better seating, planting, and views of the pool.” 

Cllr Jim McKenna, Cornwall councillor for Penzance Promenade, added: “The Coinagehall Street site is key to the economic future of Penzance. Public and business feedback from November’s Expo event, combined with the responses received as part of the emerging Penzance neighbourhood plan have reaffirmed the importance of the location and the need for any development to include well paid employment opportunities. 

“Treveth’s commitment to consult widely on any emerging proposals, their promise to provide much-needed homes for local people amongst the housing element of the scheme and their assurance that the appropriate archaeological survey work will be undertaken, are all welcomed.”

Founded by Cornwall Council in 2019, Treveth now manages 78 properties across three developments and 45 units across six commercial sites. Treveth acquired the site at Coinagehall Street from Cornwall Council under a ‘subject to planning contract’ in late 2022.