Penzance's Christmas lights switch-on happening has been confirmed for Saturday, November 30 - but first, the town needs some lights!

These are installed by High Maintenance South West and Jamie Cree Electrical Services, contracted by Penzance Council. It takes around 40 hours to put up and test the 28 different light frames and two light curtains around town in the weeks leading up to the switch-on.

Planning for the Christmas lights begins in May each year, when the lights are ordered, highways applications are put in and a list of power suppliers is put together. 

Penzance’s Christmas lights do not run off one power supply, but instead rely on the generosity of a number of businesses and residents around the town, who are all offered reimbursement for electrical usage by Penzance Council.

This year’s lights will stay up until January 7, at which point they will be taken down over the course of two weeks.