Residents at a supported living service for learning disabled adults in St Austell have been commended for their generous donations to a local foodbank ahead of Christmas.

The service, which is run by learning disability charity Hft, wanted to embrace the season of goodwill this Christmas and give back to the community amidst the ongoing cost of living crisis.

Carla Harvey, who manages the service, explains how the team and supported individuals began their collection for the foodbank’s ‘reverse advent calendar’ on 1 November, donating one item for each day in advent.

“I had seen a poster for the campaign while doing my shopping at the foodbank point at my local supermarket, and thought it would be a good initiative to get involved in and build a good community connection with,” she says.

“As a group, we discussed the importance of giving back, and it felt as if, now more than ever, it was the right time to support a charitable donation, in light of the cost of living crisis, and it being the festive period.”

The team and people supported at the service snapped into action, donating items, urging others to donate if they were able to, and checking the foodbank’s daily checklist to see what was being asked for on a particular day.

“We have even had some of our team members’ family donate items, which is amazing!” adds Carla.

The donations included a mixture of non-perishable and long-life foods, such as tinned fruit and vegetables, Christmas puddings, pasta sauces, coffee, festive treats and other necessities, such as hygiene products.

A few weeks ago, their efforts meant that the Hft Cornwall crew were able to donate two large boxes, including two completed reverse advent calendars, along with other items for the foodbank to share.

“The items we donated will now be used to support families in the local area to have food and treats over the festive period that, without the help of the foodbank, they will have potentially missed out on,” Carla shares.

The team received a certificate commending their generous donations which was presented by St Austell Foodbank to Rachel, who is supported by Hft, when she and Support Worker Lisa Dunstan dropped the donations off.