A campaign has been launched to stop a co-work and innovation centre in Newquay from being turned into corporate offices.

Forty-seven people who work at Pentire House in Beach Road, which includes freelancers, entrepreneurs and small businesses owners, have started a petition after being told they have to vacate the building by the end of the year.

They have launched a campaign on Change.org calling on people to “help protect the lifeline for Newquay’s entrepreneurs and small businesses.”

The campaign is also urging the owners, Pentire Estate, to reconsider its decision.

The community of 45 freelancers and small businesses owners, which includes Here Now Films, Atlas Media and Scout Studio, argue that losing the “vibrant hub” would threaten the collaborative culture of the workspace and displace those who rely on it to grow their ventures.

There is also anger as the workspace could be converted into to serviced offices as the building was originally established with the help of Community-Led Local Development funding.

The Pentire House community have put forward a number of “alternative paths” for Pentire Estate to consider, including the possibility of purchasing the freehold to maintain the space as a community-driven co-working environment, which could then be managed by setting up a community interest company.

Ella Croft, who launched the campaign said: “We, the residents and supporters of Newquay, unite in opposition to the conversion of Pentire House from a community co-working space to corporate offices for large, out-of-town businesses.

“Pentire House is more than a building; it's a vibrant hub for local entrepreneurs, freelancers, and creatives—the heartbeat of Newquay’s economy. Turning it into corporate offices threatens our unique spirit and collaborative culture.

“Pentire House offers affordable workspace that helps small businesses and freelancers thrive. Losing this space will displace those who rely on it to grow their ventures and contribute to our local economy.

“This space was built to foster a business community. Replacing it with corporate offices prioritises external interests over local needs. Newquay must remain a place where community comes first.

“For many, Pentire House is a sanctuary for networking and collaboration. Corporate offices will make this space inaccessible to those who helped make it a success.

“Allowing large corporations in will push local businesses out, harming our economy and reducing opportunities for residents and small business owners.

“Newquay is known for its tight-knit community and entrepreneurial spirit. We must protect our town’s character by prioritising local initiatives over corporate interests.

“We urge Pentire Estate to halt plans to convert Pentire House into serviced offices for large corporations. Instead, we ask you to:

“Protect Pentire House as a community-focused co-working space for local freelancers and businesses.

“Engage with the Newquay community to ensure the space remains affordable and accessible.

“Reject corporate interests that do not serve our community.

“Sign this petition to show your support for keeping Pentire House a space for Newquay’s people.

“Together, we can preserve our town’s character, economy, and sense of community.”

Here Now Films MD Ed Smit, has written an open letter to Pentire Estate, urging them to reconsider the decision.

He said: “I am writing to you on behalf of the many individuals and businesses that form the vibrant community within the Pentire Estate co-working space.

“We have recently learned of the plans to transform this shared space into serviced offices, and we wish to express our collective concerns and urge you to reconsider this decision.

“As a group, we understand that it’s our privilege to use the space, not our right. This is your business, and you may do what you like with it. However, we as a community feel disappointed, let down, and angry about the decision you have made and the way in which you have approached it.

“You used public money to set up Pentire House. The space was set up with grant funding to help create strong, sustainable communities in the heart of Newquay. The community is the ‘beneficiaries’ of that funding, not the shareholders or directors. Whilst it’s up to you how to manage the business, a lot of us feel that the removal of this asset from the community is in direct violation of your grant agreement.

“There was no first refusal given to tenants, many of whom would have willingly rented an entire floor.

“Yet the floors have already been allocated to companies, some of which are not based in Newquay. Why did you not offer the opportunity to the existing members before offering it to separate companies?”

Author Grace added: “The co-workspace was set up with grant funding as a way to support local businesses in the local community and support the whole community.

“Pentire House has become a hub for all sorts of businesses rooted in Newquay. The businesses in the community believe it should remain as it is.”

Supporter Alex Johnston said: “Newquay does not want faceless and soulless corporate offices and bigger businesses that will make life even more difficult for our much valued local start ups.”

The Voice has contacted Pentire Estate for comment. The petition short link is Change.org/ProtectPentireHouse