Callous Christmas Grinches vandalised Cubert’s festive lights display on Thursday, which villagers have proudly erected.
Three people have been seen on CCTV vandalising various illuminations including the ‘Merry Christmas Cubert’ sign at about 10pm.
Some of the Reindeer lights have also been damaged and the village’s Christmas tree.
Residents had stated prior to the vandalism that Cubert’s festive lights was looking “fabulous” this year after “blood, sweat and tears” had been put into it.
Cubert and Holywell Carnival Committee organise the festive display and add to it annually by raising money staging various fundraisers including quiz nights, duck races, parties and fun runs.
They spent 15 days erecting the illuminations, which was followed by a grand lights switch on, a visit by Father Christmas and singing in the church.
Many villagers also allowed their properties to be decorated to add to the festive display.

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The Reindeer lights in better days
Julia Beckford from Cubert and Holywell Carnival Committee said: “It is with a heavy heart that we report that some mindless idiots damaged our beautiful village Christmas lights.
“A CCTV recording from the Village Hall shows a dark coloured small van driving past the hall towards the A3075 at 10.03pm.
“At 10.05pm the vehicle is seen again slowly reversing up to the hall.
"The vehicle then stops on High Lanes and then drives a little way onto the drive and stops.
“The driver gets out, walks up to the Christmas tree in the porch and pulls it out across the car park.
“He then walks to the back of the new ‘Merry Christmas Cubert’ sign and pulls the plug out with such force that he breaks the plug.
“Two other young people then get out of the van and go to the front of the sign where they destroy the bottom right hand side lettering using some sort of tool.
At 10.07pm they all then get back into the van and drive off towards the A3075.
“It has been assumed that the same people are responsible for pulling out most of the Reindeer lights by the roundabout just prior to the incident at the village hall.
"Some of the reindeer were damaged and the electrical supply box ended up in the road.
“Prior to this, and possibly related to the incidents, someone pulled out the mains supply box from under the Christmas Tree in the square and opened the lid.
"This meant that the box filled with rainwater rendering the display useless until repairs are made.
“The incident has been reported to the police. If anyone has any information that may assist us and the police, we would be very grateful to hear from them.”