AT their in-house studio in Newquay, marketing agency Idenna Creative are offering businesses the opportunity to network and invest time in the creative and marketing topics that will impact their work by running a series of free workshops. Guests are welcomed to a presentation and round table discussion on a variety of creative topics, with free cake provided to break the ice. The first session took place on August 2 with eight businesses attending - and plans are in place for a follow up session imminently due to the demand on Idenna’s guestlist.  James Neale, creative director, said: “We are always actively searching for new ways to push our creativity, so we thought what better way to do so than to share our industry knowledge with other local businesses.

“Newquay and the surrounding areas are only going from strength to strength in terms of their creative and marketing outputs and we want to do our best to foster a supportive environment alongside other like-minded organisations. “We are keen to create a space where local businesses can come together, in a relaxed setting, with cake, and share their experiences — what works, what doesn’t, and just learn from each other.”  The initial workshop focussed on identifying audience groups and using media platforms to effectively gain their attention. Idenna spoke about how to best identify the media platforms different groups are using and how creative, eye-catching and insightful content can drive engagement and results amongst them.  Cake and Creative follows a successful series of events joint-hosted by Idenna and Sky advertising, encouraging the creative agency to continue running talks to share the knowledge their team has acquired over a dozen years of operation. The workshops are free and open to all, ensuring that suitable businesses at different stages of development can benefit from the sessions.  Jo Neale, business development manager at the Cornish company, said: “We avoid traditional management structures, resulting in a company culture that is built to value the personal attributes of every member of the Idenna team.

“I suppose the ‘Cake and Creative’ sessions are simply an extension of this — creating a space where other businesses feel valued and able to connect with new people through shared ideas and experiences.” James added: “We’re incredibly lucky that we’ve got a professional in-house studio, and it makes for a brilliant base to host events like Cake and Creative. We’re keen to make the most of our great facilities, and sharing the space with others is a big part of this.” With creativity at its centre, the Cornish agency is recognising the value of community and collaboration in furthering commercial endeavours, in line with their core values.