Work is now underway on a major building project to improve the RSPCA Cornwall headquarters at Quoit.

The animal charity is enlarging and improving kennels for the resident dogs and building a new training centre.

Stuart Hammond, volunteer community support officer with RSPCA Cornwall said: “Well-attended and skilfully planned fundraising events, plus substantial grants, have helped to assist with the cost of new facilities as, especially in the case of the kennels, these were over 25 years old, were now deemed unfit for purpose and urgently required upgrading to bring them into line with modern layouts and conform to best practice.”

However, they are still looking to raise some additional funds for the project and are asking people to keep an eye on the RSPCA website links and social media pages for updates on how people can contribute.

The charity are also looking for new volunteers to help with the animals.

“Our three charity shops in Newquay, Truro and Bude are now fully manned but the need for volunteers is becoming more urgent, especially as the increased kennel size will mean more accommodation for dogs prior to rehoming and these will need regular walking and exercise in the secure area’s set aside for this purpose,” added Stuart.

“If anyone has a few hours to spare and likes the idea of interacting with any of the animals waiting for a forever home then please contact the office at Quoit near St Columb Major to discuss how you can help, you will be made very welcome and join an enthusiastic and dedicated team.”

The centre is hoping to hold an open meeting in the near future where anyone can attend and meet other volunteers and staff to learn more about what help might be required.