St Austell’s MP has met with Boots bosses to discuss the closure of a local pharmacy.

Following the announcement that the chain plans to close its pharmacy at Polkyth Parade on Carlyon Road, Steve Double MP was keen to meet regional and local managers to discuss the reasons for the closure and what measures it is taking to ensure it continues to support its customers.  

Today Mr Double met pharmacy supply manager Neil Crozier, store manager Chris Smith and regional pharmacy manager Mike Charlton, who were clear that the closure is being doneas part of a consolidation of their provisions onto one site.

While they understand customers will be disappointed with the decision to close the pharmacy at Polkyth Parade, they explained their plan to increase capacity at the town centre site and provide a more comprehensive service.  

Steve said: “Following the news that Boots will be closing their pharmacy at Polkyth Parade, I waspleased to raise the concerns local people had raised with me directly with the management of Boots.

“While it is certainly disappointing that they have had to make this decision, I was encouraged to hear their plans to work with their customers to be able to provide them with the service they need.”

The pharmacy in Polkyth Parade will remain open until January 6, 2024.