A MUCH loved community pantomime group has said it is grateful for all those who helped make this year’s performance a success.

Four successful and acclaimed performances were held at Bodmin Methodist Church, with crowds flocking to the venue to enjoy the traditional entertainment created with love by amateur dramatics.

This year’s event was made possible by donations and support from a number of organisations and businesses as the community came together to help the group make it happen.

A spokesperson for the Bodmin Community Pantomime group said: “Thats a wrap for this year. We’d like to thank you every single person who came to our pantomime of cinderella at Bodmin Methodist Church after four awesome performances.

Thanks so much to the people of Bodmin Methodist Church for letting use their church for this great pantomime. We love the venue and the people are so lovely and come to see us in their church. Well done to all cast and crew who were all flawless again. We have had so much positive feedback from our devoted public.

“Many who came to see us last year but some who didn't and said they will be back, which is why we do it. Thanks to the Bodmin community for their ongoing support.

“We had donations from Bodmin MAD community bingo, Bodmin Fireworks Committee as well as Proper Cornish and we borrowed the stage from the Beat and some equipment from Bodmin Theatre Company.

We also borrowed an important piece of prop from Martin and Budge Menswear. Thanks very much to everyone we are so very grateful.

“We will see you all next year so keep a look out for our future announcements.We are always looking for new cast and crew to come and join our pantomime family for the next performance.

“One other thing - we might see you at the carnival.”