A new Cornish-English recipe book has been launched at Wheal Martyn Museum near St Austell.   

Lyver Keginieth, meaning Cookery Book in the Cornish language Kernewek, was compiled by author Diana Trudgeon and contains a mix of traditional Cornish recipes – such as splits, Hevva cake and pasties – as well as vegetarian recipes and Diana’s personal favourite bakes.  

Each recipe is in both Cornish and English, so as well as appealing to keen bakers, it also will be of interest to anyone studying the Cornish language.  

A sprightly 86-year-old, Diana began learning Cornish at the age of 80 and was made a Bard of the Cornish Gorseth last year. 

Her Bardic name is “Maghteth Ranndir Pri Gwynn” which in English means “A maid of the China Clay area”.  

“I wanted to carry on with a project of some sort, and the cookery book seemed like a fun way of encouraging people to learn Cornish,” she said. “It’s like an alternative textbook.  

“Some of the recipes are childhood memories, and I have been vegetarian since I was 20 and have been making up my own meals since that time.”  

The book was revealed at a Cornish language event, and Diana baked spicy rock buns to demonstrate its usefulness.  

It is published in hardback format with a spiral binding, enabling it to be opened flat to show a chosen recipe in both languages, and practical wipe-clean pages.  Priced at £15, it can be ordered by calling 07554 745974 or online (plus p&p) from the Kowsva shop.  

Diana has pledged to plough all profits back into Cornish language learning.