BEATLES fans from Germany are visiting Newquay on the 57th anniversary of footage being filmed for the Magical Mystery Tour and would like to meet up with people who witnessed the event to share stories.

Simon Mitchell, his wife Petra Mitchell and two friends, Gabi Koepp and Juergen Meis, would like to meet up in front of the Atlantic Hotel on Thursday, August 29 between 4pm and 7pm.

Simon said: “We plan on being in Newquay to see the different sites where the Beatles visited.

“We plan to come in costumes similar to what the Beatles wore during filming.

“Two of the other Beatles fans coming over own, The Beatles Gallery, The Green Walrus in Viersen / Duelken.

“They also have made hundreds of their own radio shows, dealing with numbers of different subjects over the years. Because I previously visited Newquay with 30 Beatles fans to celebrate the 50th anniversary in 2017 I know which locations we need to go to where filming was done originally so I offered to show them around.”

Simon was an extra during the Magical Mystery Tour filming with his sister Angela Mitchell.

He is the owner of a charity the Magical Mystery Tour Museum and the owner of an original Magical Mystery Tour Bus, which is to be restored in the UK, which raises money for Children with Cancer. 

Simon is now on the lookout for a sponsor to help fund the bus restoration.