It was an incongruous scene – Prime Minister Rishi Sunak batting off the criticism of his controversial transgender jibe while sitting in a teeny weeny plastic pre-school seat. Not the tallest of men, as we all know, he looked like a naughty boy being grilled by his teachers.

Where was a photographer when you needed one? This was tabloid heaven. Unfortunately, we were banned from taking a photographer. No 10’s press office must have foreseen the glee of journalists and snappers faced with the PM – “Hi, I’m Rishi” – squeezed into a child’s seat at Nancledra Pre-School, near Penzance.

As part of a visit to Cornwall today (Thursday, February 8), a number of reporters were invited to take part in a “media huddle” with Mr Sunak. Sounds all cuddly and inclusive, doesn’t it?

The reality is only being allowed to ask one of the myriad questions you’ve come armed with – so I never did find out what he thinks about 800 homeless families living in temporary accommodation in Cornwall, a figure that has increased under the Conservative government, or if and why he flew to Cornwall when there are perfectly good (arguably) rail and road links.

Most annoying of all, I couldn’t ask Rishi what he thought about a Tory member of Cornwall Council, who recently resigned from the party, citing that the Conservatives had done “f*** all” since coming to power at the local authority three years ago. With whispers others may follow suit, it’s not a good look for the government, locally or nationally.

So what did we get in our 12-minute audience? A party political broadcast, basically, with interruptions ignored or replied to with a “I respectfully disagree with your characterisation of what we’ve been doing”.

His visit to Cornwall was overshadowed somewhat by the political fallout from his transgender comment aimed at Labour leader Keir Starmer in the House of Commons yesterday. Would he like to apologise to the family of Brianna Ghey?

“Like everyone, I was completely and utterly shocked by Brianna’s case. To lose a child in those circumstances is tragic and actually very hard to comprehend. As a parent, first and foremost I feel that. The compassion and empathy shown by Brianna’s mum is inspiring and demonstrates the very best in humanity, and her and her family have nothing but my heartfelt sympathies.

“To use that tragedy as the Labour Party have done to detract from Keir Starmer’s proven track record of U-turning on multiple major policies, which was the completely separate clear point I was making, is sad and wrong. It demonstrates the worst in politics.”

With the Conservatives struggling in the polls, was he confident the party could retain seats in Cornwall?

“I am. The reason I say that is we have a fantastic set of MPs who are working very hard for their local communities. I believe that the plans we’ve put in place are working. I know things have been difficult over the last couple of years for the country. We’re now pointing in the right direction, particularly with the economy. We’ve turned a corner.

“Inflation has been more than halved, mortgage rates have started to come down and we’ve been able to start cutting people’s taxes. Someone on an average salary of £35k [that’s not the average in Cornwall, Rishi] is getting a 450 quid tax cut.

“We are making progress. If we stick to the plan, we will be able to deliver the change that people in the country want and need.”

He said that the Government is investing in the things that matter to people in Cornwall, citing the forthcoming Mid Cornwall Metro rail link, which he believes will improve connectivity.

“Town centres across Cornwall – Penzance, St Ives, Truro, Camborne - are all receiving investment specifically, which is making a difference,” added the Prime Minister.

“When it comes to healthcare – you guys will know better than me – you’ve got the Royal Cornwall new women’s and children’s unit coming, West Cornwall’s new outpatients, a community diagnostics centre which is up and running in Bodmin and an elective surgical hub which is coming in St Austell.

“This week we have introduced more funding for more NHS dental appointments and mobile vans into areas that need it most. People will feel the difference relatively soon.”

On the top of the “media huddle’s” list of questions was the housing crisis which is blighting Cornwall, and specifically the impact on accommodation of second homes and holiday lets.

“With regard to second homes, Derek [Thomas MP, seated next to him in another dinky school seat] and other colleagues in Cornwall have consistently made the case to Government that we need to look at this, which we have done and delivered a few different reforms all of which will make a difference.

“First, legislating to give council’s the power to levy a council tax premium of up to 100 per cent [which Cornwall Council will introduce in April next year] for second home owners for the council to use. Secondly, the delivery of a register for holiday home short-term lets and the potential ‘separate use’ class. That is now under consideration.

“Then, thirdly, loopholes which Derek and Steve [Double, MP for Newquay and St Austell] first spoke to me about when I was Local Government Minister and has been delivered. So that loophole has been closed for people who were using business rates and now need to demonstrate that the property is actually being used as a business.

“I know second homes is an important issue here as it does have an impact on the affordability and availability of housing for local people.”

I tried to intervene to bring up all the other issues affecting housing in Cornwall, which currently sees around 20,000 people on the housing list and those 800 families in emergency accommodation, but was batted down by his advisers and Rishi’s own command to “Let’s go go go” with another question.

I raised the oft criticised loss of EU funding for Cornwall. The money received by Cornwall Council from the Government to replace EU grants following Brexit has pretty much run out now, leaving over £230 million of fund applications by Cornish communities and businesses unmet.

Other political parties in Cornwall believe the Conservatives broke their promise to match EU funding of £100m a year and gave Cornwall just £43m. With Cornwall Council teetering on a financial abyss, what more can the PM and his Government do to improve financial help for Cornwall?

“I don’t recognise those figures and we have delivered what we said we would do, which was to match previous EU funding. Obviously when you get to a funding review, you set out figures for the period after that, but for the period of this Parliament we have matched the EU funding levels.

“More generally, we have put half a billion pounds into local government funding recently, so Cornwall Council will have around 7.5 per cent more money in the next financial year for local services.”

Cornwall Council says that percentage, which equates to around £6.5m, is not enough, I interjected.

He continued: “In particular, because MPs in Cornwall have raised the issue of delivering services in rural areas being particularly challenging, some of the extra funding we’ve put in is specifically targeted at rural services and that will benefit Cornwall Council.

“There is also direct investment the Government is making in Cornwall – Mid Cornwall Metro being one or the Levelling Up money that’s going into the towns. So, it’s not just the local government money.”

And with that he jumped out of his pre-school seat and was out the door, to other engagements in Cornwall which the media weren’t invited to.

One of those was spending time with Cornwall councillor Connor Donnithorne, who is the Conservative’s prospective parliamentary candidate for the Camborne-Redruth seat.

Donnithorne, who hopes to replace George Eustice as the area’s next MP, said following the PM’s visit: “I’m working with Cornwall College in Camborne to be a driver of opportunity and skills training for local people, so local people get well paid jobs in our communities.

“It was great to show the Prime Minister our newly upgraded campus to meet other young people benefiting from great further education and skills education here in Camborne, Redruth and Hayle.”