PA22/05548: A change of use application from agricultural use to sports/recreation at land adjoining Dobwalls Football Club in Dobwalls, has been approved by Cornwall Council.

Mrs Linda Coles made the application to change the use of the land.

Three neighbours raised concerns but stopped short of objecting. Mrs Rachel Bell said: “I'm not against extra sports and recreation grounds for the community, I think it's needed, and welcomed by many. I do however wonder if the junior pitches placed on the rear of the neighbouring houses, would be a better option, then the current plan for the senior pitches.

“I am you see , concerned for the level of noise and foul language which can be heard from the current pitches , being placed directly on the back of family homes.

“Junior pitches surely would not need unsightly netting around either , and the noise would be less.

It would be really nice, and certainly appreciated by the neighbours, if some consideration for the nearby residents, could be given please, by just jigging things about a little , to impact us in the least possible way .”

Cornwall Council granted approval to the scheme, subject to the condition that: “The proposed pitches shall be laid out in accordance with the proposed pitches layout submitted to the Local Planning Authority on the 5th May 2023 and retained as such thereafter. No pitches shall be sited any closer to the residential properties to the west than as shown on the approved plans.

“Reason: To minimise disturbances to residential properties, in accordance with policy 12 of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010 - 2030.”