It’s been another phenomenal A Level year at Truro High School, with 90% of students heading to the university of their choice - including St Andrews, Durham, Bath, Exeter and Manchester – to read subjects ranging from civil engineering and law to medicine and aeronautics.

Outgoing Head Girl Esme is taking her set of four top grades to Bath to read economics. Reflecting on her time at the school she said: “It has been an unforgettable seven years full of laughter and fun. I have so many happy memories, and friends for life.

“I cannot praise the school enough for showing me all the opportunities open to me and then helping me to open the doors to them.”

Successful students include Gwen, who will read English literature and history at Lancaster; keen sportswoman Katie, who will read Physical Education; and Anisha, who is heading to Exeter to read Classical Studies and English.

The weekly Aspiring Medics programme, which offers an insight into the many different opportunities and access to healthcare professionals, saw more than 20% of students heading to university to read courses including dentistry, physiotherapy and medicine.

These include Grace, a world-class sailor in her spare time, who is off to St Andrews; Rachel, heading for Manchester; and Lily, who will cross the Tamar to Plymouth. All girls will study medicine.

Modern Languages enjoyed spectacular results, with 70% of all passes at grades A* or A. Dan Lovell, head of ancient and modern languages, said: “We are so proud of the girls for an exceptional set of results. The doors are now open to a myriad of opportunities for interaction in this multicultural world.”

Head teacher Sarah Matthews said: “The girls have worked hard to achieve fantastic results while still finding time to play sport and instruments, to dance and act.

“So many of them are off to the universities of their choice, with others pursuing dreams ranging from competing internationally to joining top acting colleges. I am immensely proud of them all, and the amazing teachers who have helped them on their way.”